Thursday, September 29, 2016

I'm not able to post photos right now...

It's been a year since I've posted. Part of the issue is that I cannot get my iPhone photos to transfer to my computer. I'll work on it again soon, but for now I just wanted to do a quick post about two-year-old Neko.

We are absolutely in love with our little guy. He is so adventurous and active. He loves being outside, he loves playing with his friends, he wants to learn to do everything. He is talking more and more everyday. He strings together words and sentences and seems to be able to say almost anything. I stayed home from work today to go to the dentist. When Neko and Aaron pulled up, I opened the door to greet him, and he said, "Oh, what are you doin' here, Mamma?"

The other day, while he was taking a bath, I noticed that he was trying to catch something floating around, so I asked him, "What's that? Is it a booger?" Sorry, I know that's a little gross. He replied, "That's not a booger! It's soap. And don't eat it, Mamma. It'll make ya sick!"

Sometimes we can't figure out what he's saying. The other night, for example, he kept yelling, "I want some oltmilk!" What? You want some old milk? What? Whole milk? You have whole milk...
I finally figured it out. Oatmeal! So he got to eat oatmeal for dinner.


  1. Even though you've told me most of this stuff, I'm glad you wrote it down. (Can you post on this blog from your phone?)

  2. He is so lovely. And we are so eager to see him again. Two has been my favorite age so far.
