Saturday, September 19, 2015


Neko has started adding a lot of new words to his vocabulary, so I wanted to document what he's been saying at 14 months. His first word was "dog." That one came a long time ago, but he's since added several more. He now says, "more" (muh), "ball," "bye," "hi," "hello" (leh-lo), "book" (boo), "done" (and he does the sign for all done), and the other day he said, "shoes" when I put on his shoes. We were both excited. The next morning, he brought several shoes to me while I was still in bed and excitedly exclaimed, "shoe!" each time. He says "da" (daddy) and occasionally, "mamma." He can also say "bah" (bottle) and "wa" for water. He says "uh-oh" and today "cup." He is very obsessed with water these days. He likes playing with the water faucet on the side of the house, filling a cup with water, drinking some, and excitedly dumping the rest all over himself. He giggles and shrieks, and has a lot of fun with it.  He wants to drink out of a big cup (no sippy). He's getting better at it, but he still spills quite a bit.

Aaron was out of town last weekend, so it was just the two of us. We had some good time to bond, but it was also a little exhausting, and we both missed Aaron a lot. On Friday night, Neko and I walked to Ester's for pizza. When we got home, we played with the ball in the backyard, and he caught it several times when I threw it to him. I was seriously impressed! On Sunday morning we had a quick visit from Michael, Elena and their twins, George and Helen. They were in town for a wedding. Aaron got home while they were still here, so he got to meet the twins too. We are crossing our fingers that they'll move back to Colorado at some point. It was so nice to see them.

**And here are a ton of photos from the past month.

*The night before Emag moved, we went over to his house to say goodbye.

**I also forgot to mention another funny thing he likes to say/do. He often pinches us and yells, "Ouch!" I've told him that I am the one who is supposed to say "ouch" when he pinches me, but he just keeps doing it and seems to think it's the funniest thing ever.


  1. Wow, he's talking! This is exciting. And I love the photos. He is adorable.

  2. Irena and I just spent a while looking through this set of photos. He is so cute. We wished we lived closer.
